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CPPU researchers lead new EU project tacking energy poverty

25 May 2020

Researchers at the Cleaner Production Promotion Unit based in the UCC School of Engineering and Environmental Research Institute are to lead a new c. €2 million project addressing energy poverty. The project entitled 'EnergyMeasures: Tailored measures supporting energy vulnerable households' is funded by the European Commission through its Horizon 2020 Programme for Research and Innovation.

The EnergyMeasures consortium comprises twelve partners from eight countries, who are at the forefront of tackling energy poverty: University College Cork and Energy Action CLG (Ireland), Duneworks BV, Stichting PON, and Gemeente Einhoven (Netherlands); APB Kamp C and Samenlevingsopbouw Antwerpen Provincie vzw (Belgium), Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polska Sieć Energie Cités (Poland) Habidom residential buidling management company (North Macedonia) EcoEnergy Municipal Energy Network Association (Bulgaria), Tighean Innse Gall (United Kingdom), and Oikoplus KG (Austria)

EnergyMeasures will implement household energy engagement programmes in seven European countries deploying low-cost energy conservation measures, working with households to maximise the impact of the low-cost measures, and leveraging this deployment for a more wide-ranging engagement to support householders in understanding and changing their own energy-related behaviours.

The project will start in September 2020 and will run for three years.

For more on this story contact:

Dr Niall Dunphy, Project Coordinator

Cleaner Production Promotion Unit

G.03 Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Lee Road, Cork T23 XE10, Ireland
