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Shane completes Marathon and raises over €2000 for Move4Parkinson’s

2 Nov 2015

Congratulations to Dr Shane Hegarty, who successfully completed the Dublin City Marathon in aid of Move4Parkinson’s and to date has raised in excess of €2000.

Shane, a Parkinson’s researcher in the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience, completed the Dublin City Marathon, his first marathon on Monday 26th of October in a time of 4h 25min. Shane ran the marathon in aid of Move4Parkinson’s (, a charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for People with Parkinson’s. Through this fundraising event, Shane and the BRAINTALK ( team have raised over €2000 for the Parkinson's community.

We are hugely grateful to the over 70 charitable donators who have generously supported this worthy cause to date and made this charity event a success.W       

                                           You can still donate to ‘Shane Marathons for Parkinson’s’ charity fundraising event at:


                                                Donations can also be made at the Reception of the Biosciences Institute 

                                                                                     until Friday 6th November.
