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News Archive2015

BSc Neuroscience fourth year class hold Tea Party for Alzheimer's Society

15 May 2015
Jessica Brophy, Leigh-Ann Hayes, Dr Aideen Sullivan, Sarah Theze, Collette O'Sullivan.

On Thursday 14th May, the BSc Neuroscience fourth year class held a Tea Party in Western Gateway Building to raise funds for The Alzheimer's Society of Ireland. They chose this worthwhile charity for their fundraising efforts, to mark their farewell to the Department and to UCC .

During their Neuroscience degree, this class has studied the nervous system in health and disease, throughout the lifespan from development to aging.
One of the major challenges in neuroscience research today is the development of effective treatments for neurological diseases.

Due to increases in our life expectancy, the incidence of diseases of aging such as Alzheimer’s have dramatically increased. This present a huge societal and economic problem.

The Alzheimer's Tea Day is a national day of celebration and fundraising that honours people affected by Alzheimer's and Dementia.
Each year, thousands of generous people gather together. They drink tea, eat cake, take part in raffles... and crucially, raise urgent funds for local Alzheimer services.

The Tea party organised by the Neuroscience class raised €404.12 for this very worthy cause.

Well done to all who contributed!

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
