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Postgraduate Blog

Jennifer Mullane
MA Applied Psychology

"I found this to be truly rewarding and interesting work, as well as extremely humbling to listen to the experiences of the women in attendance. It has also fostered my ability to form connections and collaborative relationships with others from different cultures, as well as opening up dialogue and allowing the class to play a part in community action."

Meghan Loftus
MSc Human Anatomy

"A major component of the course involves the dissection of a human cadaver in groups of 2 or 3, but a lot of the work is individual as well. A typical week involves about 3-4 hours of lecture and 6-8 hours of lab time."

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Maeve Connolly
MSc Biotechnology

"I am extremely lucky to have chosen a college which has such close ties to industry. The biotechnology masters increased my knowledge on a subject I am passionate about and allowed me the opportunity to apply this knowledge in industry. I am excited for the rest of my placement and can’t wait to see what else is in store for the future."

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Maeve Connolly
MSc Biotechnology

"One of the highlights of the first semester was a brewing workshop carried out by the microbiology department. During this workshop a guest speaker arrived from Heineken in Amsterdam to give a talk about their brewing processes and various research they carry out alongside UCC. At the end of the brewing workshop we were allowed the opportunity to taste test beers which had been brewed using various yeast strains."

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Maeve Connolly
MSc Biotechnology

Quercus Scholar Maeve Connolly tells us why she chose to continue her studies at University College Cork.

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It really gave me a sense that university does not only have to be about studying and exams but also about meeting new people and creating new life experiences.

Jennifer O’Donovan

MA Applied Linguistics

My first impression of the course was that it was really interesting, with wide array of subjects focusing on; marine ecology, governance and applied GIS.

Ryan Hastings

MSc Applied Coastal and Marine Management

I became a member of the team whose innovation idea was shortlisted to the top 10 teams for the Student Entrepreneurship Awards.

Eoghan O'Leary

MSc Molecular Cell Biology with Bioinnovation

I chose this course because of its focus on preparing for a career in clinical psychology and I find that it has given me so much in the way of education and practical experience for my future career.

Siobhan Thomas

MA Applied Psychology (Mental Health)

We completed an off-site placement... these placements were brilliant for my practical skills and are essential to gain hands-on training in audiology clinics.

Naomi Kilroy

MSc Audiology

The course places a strong focus on creativity and encourages students to engage in questioning the Status Quo.

Siobhán Keogh


I can confirm that student-centric services are par excellence in Ireland – you only need to look at the Boole Library!

Aditi Udayabhaskar

MSc Business Information and Analytics Systems

Roofiya Koya
MSc Data Science & Analytics

"... One thing I have learned from doing a full-time Masters is time flies by and you really do have to just go all out from the second you start the course. I remember going to the first lecture of the second semester and before I knew it I was beating the clock for assignments and projects!"

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Roofiya Koya
MSc Data Science & Analytics

"I strolled among them feeling for the first time that I finally walked into the place I belonged, not having to pretend to fit in. If I were to describe UCC in three words it would be "my best decision"."

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Luke McGivern
LLM (Environmental & Natural Resource Law)

"Most recently I was offered the opportunity to present at UCC’s Environmental Law Postgrad Research Symposium on our experience of being part of UCC’s first Environmental Law Clinic. Following this, we were invited to the annual dinner the precedes the Law and Environment Conference, which was an amazing experience and meant that I got to chat to some of the leaders in the field of environmental law research."

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Luke McGivern
LLM (Environmental & Natural Resource Law)

"With the second semester looming, and the return to normality imminent, it was a good time for me to reflect on my first semester at UCC, and what lies ahead for my second semester." Read Luke's blog post reflecting back on semester one.

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Luke McGivern
LLM (Environmental & Natural Resource Law)

Liam's return to full-time study has been a welcome source of purpose (albeit with a little stress thrown in). His move from Dublin's suburbs to Ireland's real capital has been an exciting transition - his coffee intake has upped twofold and his bike hasn't seen this much use in years. Read his blog to find out more.

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Seamus Allen
MSc International Public Policy & Diplomacy

"I am working in the Central Bank’s Consumer Protection division. Some other students from my course are also on work placement in Dublin – working for the Oireachtas or President’s office for example - while others are abroad, and working for instance, for the Scottish or European parliaments."

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Seamus Allen
MSc International Public Policy & Diplomacy

The MSc in International Public Policy and Diplomacy is an innovative, interdisciplinary, taught master’s course that provides graduates with the expertise and work experience required for successful careers in international policy environments.

In this blog post, Seamus looks back on semester one.

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Seamus Allen
MSc International Public Policy & Diplomacy

Global energy security, Brexit, the Arab Spring, the shifts in US foreign policy under Donald Trump, and the nature of the international human rights regime are just some of the topics Seamus has studied during semester one of the MSc in International Public Policy and Diplomacy.

Read his blog to find out more.

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Vinetha Jagadeesan
MSc Data Science & Analytics

"In between all those lectures, labs, assignments, applications, and deadlines, I did manage to catch a break every now and then and try out new things. Celebrating St.Patrick’s Day in Ireland was a really wonderful experience and was something that I always wanted to do. To watch the sea of green winding through the streets of Cork was an exhilarating experience."

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Vinetha Jagadeesan
MSc Data Science & Analytics

"One of the best moments during this semester was dancing at the Cork cultural night. Given that I have never danced in my life before, dancing in front of such a huge audience was an amazing experience. I never knew Cork had such a vibrant Indian community. This fest helped me meet new people and forge new friendships."

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Avani Konduri
MA Work & Organisational Psychology

"I had a few epiphanies, inspired by the dimly lit streets and the Imagine Dragons blaring through my earphones - Opportunities never look the same for everyone; I can always find a way to get my (large-sized) foot in the proverbial door, find a job that can get me started and then find a way to grow from there."

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Avani Konduri
MA Work & Organisational Behaviour

"For some it was balancing family and study and for me, it was living in a country which only three months ago, standing outside the UCC gates, had felt so unfamiliar but, in that moment, felt like the most familiar place in the world".

Read Avani's blog post to learn of her first impressions of UCC and Cork City.

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Zaraa Malvat
MSc Marine Biology

"We are now at the final stages of the academic year, and looking back over the past 7 months has made me realise how amazing this journey has been. What started as a simple decision (minus the visa application process) of studying abroad has woven itself into a beautiful story of lifelong friendships, self-discovery, smelly fish and snappy crabs."

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Zaraa Malvat
MSc Marine Biology

"For me, the highlight of the semester was being on board the research vessel Celtic Voyager collecting samples, and then processing them in the laboratory for an entire day. It got pretty fishy at that point! Apart from that, we were required to carry out an ecological impact assessment at Garrettstown and even had the chance to visit BIM’s food processing unit – a completely different side of the fishing and aquaculture industry."

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Elyse Neubauer
MA Applied Psychology

"I received a phone call from one of the older participants in the study. It initially began with her asking how she could get her completed study packet to me, but we ended up having a longer discussion about the importance of gratitude in life. She then shared this wonderful quote with me and asked me to share it with as many people as possible: 'Gratitude is the attitude that gives life altitude.'” ☺︎

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Elyse Neubauer
MA Applied Psychology

MA Applied Psychology (Positive & Coaching Psychology) student, Elyse Neubauer, writes about how she maintains a healthy relationship with college-related stress.

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Mairead Willis
MA Creative Writing

From independent cafes to a hidden butter museum, Mairead's student guide to Cork is a must read for all students new to Cork!

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Mairead Willis
MA Creative Writing

"It’s a well-worn adage that writing is all about discipline, but writers who say that rarely explain what it means. The discipline I’ve learned over the last four months has been less like doing daily sit-ups and more like yoga. It is a practice of coming to the same place, day after day, and opening myself up a bit more each time. I had to learn to sit in silence and open my notebook no matter what, not to plow through a story, but to listen for the voice that lives somewhere at the bottom of my stomach, saying things I didn’t know I had to say."

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Ryan Hastings
MSc Applied Coastal & Marine Management

"The research dissertation can be a daunting prospect, but I have been viewing it as an opportunity. To combine the wider learning and key insights from the variety of modules we have taken over the academic year."

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Ryan Hastings
MSc Applied Coastal & Marine Management

"There isn’t a typical week with this course, the material you cover although related is very diverse, and the practical side of the course makes it even more interesting. For example, one day you may be in a lecture about deep sea hydrothermal vents, the next you’re discussing the ways to govern and manage the marine environment and in the next you could be trying to solve a problem using GIS."

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Ryan Hasting
MSc Applied Coastal & Marine Management

The MSc Applied Coastal & Marine Management is designed and presented in close collaboration with the state-of-the-art Beaufort Institute and the University’s Coastal and Marine Research Centre. Ryan writes about his first impressions of the course in his blog post.

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Dean Anthony Notaro
MSc Marine Biology

"My third and final blog is here. How quickly time flies. Exams are done and it feels wonderful! Part 1 of the MSc Marine Biology is now complete. All the hard work so far has been worthwhile, and I am now progressing to Part 2, the research component."

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Dean Anthony Notaro
MSc Marine Biology

"In general, my days are compact and intense, but always interesting and rewarding. Tuesday and Thursday evenings are spent running with the UCC Athletics club. These are my evenings to unwind and take my head out of the books and help balance out the intensity of postgraduate life. There are also the occasional evenings of pizza and pints with my classmates after handing in our big assignments."

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Dean Anthony Notaro
MSc Marine Biology

Dean is a first-time student at University College Cork studying the MSc Marine Biology. This course aims to train graduates in multiple areas of marine biology and equip them with professional certificates in Sea Survival, Powerboat Handling and Marine Radio as well as an introductory First Aid course and necessary field skills. Read about Dean's postgraduate journey by following the link below.

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Paul Harte
MSc Finance

"As part of the Masters programme, we were also fortunate enough to have Leslie Buckley, former chairman of Independent News and Media, as a guest speaker. Leslie focused mostly on his charitable work, mainly in Haiti through the Haven Community Foundation. It was refreshing to hear a speaker delve so deeply into their charitable efforts and remind us all of the importance of corporate social responsibility as we head into our professional careers."

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Paul Harte
MSc Finance

"One of the highlights of the semester for me was the business leader event in November, where Frank Saul was interviewed by Prof. Thia Hennessy, Dean of Cork University Business School. Frank Saul sold Chevy Chase Federal Savings Bank to Capital One in 2009 for $476 million and is currently CEO of Saul Centers. Frank shared his personal business experiences, how the family business started three generations ago and shared his tips on how best to succeed in business."

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Paul Harte
MSc Finance

"Students have come from as far as China, India and parts of South America to study Corporate Finance. It’s a great opportunity to meet new people from different cultures and learn from their experiences. As I completed my undergraduate degree here in UCC, I have been able to help some of the students on my course who are unfamiliar with UCC and Ireland and share tips and experiences with them."

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Gabrielle Ulubay
MA Film & Screen Media

Gabrielle Ulubay is studying an MA in Film and Screen Media at UCC. She is writing a blog about her experience. Follow her blog to hear about all her adventures in UCC, Cork and Ireland.

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Eimear Carr
MSc Food Science

"I am feeling hopeful about my future career as there are so many successful food science companies based in Ireland. We have also received plenty of talks from companies which has been great in getting an insight into the work that is out there."

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Eimear Carr
MSc Food Science

"Food Science and Science itself were relatively new to me when I entered this course. Thus, when things started getting busy, it was quite daunting. However, I really think the people in my class helped with this. When we found certain modules difficult, we booked a room in the library and tried to explain the concepts to each other. Facebook group chats were also great especially the nights before exams. If any of us were nervous about a particular topic, we referred each other to books, papers, and so on."

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Eimear Carr
MSc Food Science

UCC Public Health graduate Eimear Carr returned to UCC after working full-time in a health regulatory body. She is now one of fourteen students undertaking the MSc in Food Science. Read her blog post to find out more.

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Ella Murphy
MSc Audiology

"Just a few short weeks ago I was essentially clueless as to all things hearing aid related! And now here we are, programming up hearings aids and counselling our patients on how to use, care and maintain their shiny new devices."

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Ella Murphy
MSc Audiology

UCC graduate Ella Murphy has just completed her first semester of the MSc in Audiology. Read Ella's second blog post to gain an insight into life as a MSc Audiology student.

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Ella Murphy
MSc Audiology

UCC graduate Ella Murphy has returned to the university to study the MSc Audiology. This innovative course is the first of its kind in the Republic of Ireland to qualify individuals to practice audiology. Having spent her first day with patients in Brookfield Clinic, Ella explains why this postgraduate course is like no other.

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Diarmaid Twomey
MSocSc Social Policy

I have one eye on my rear-view. I catch a glimpse of the year’s classes scurrying into the distance; surely an indication that the terrain ahead is about to become somewhat more difficult to navigate.

As semester two draws to a close, Diarmaid contemplates his future plans.

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Diarmaid Twomey
MSocSc Social Policy

"The lure of a sun soaked quad on a quiet Spring morning has me envisaging how blissful life as a PhD student could be"

Read Diarmaid's second bog post as he reflects back on semester one.

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Diarmaid Twomey
MSocSc Social Policy

UCC graduate, Diarmaid Twomey, has returned to UCC to undertake the MSocSc Social Policy. This full-time, one year course analyses social policy relating to contemporary issues facing Ireland, Europe and the wider world, giving the student the theoretical and practical skills to engage in social research and policy analysis.

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Leanne Ahern
MSc Physiotherapy

Thinking of studying a masters in physiotherapy? Read Leanne's account of her experience as a student in MSc Physiotherapy.

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Jordon Hughes
MEngSc Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Engineering

"For anyone starting the MEng Pharmaceutical and Biopharmaceutical Engineering next year, I would advise you to get to know your classmates... There is a huge amount of experience in the class also which can be useful for discussing assignments during tutorial sessions."

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Jordan Hughes
MEngSc Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Engineering

"I am completing this course on a part-time basis while working full-time within industry. This has huge benefits from a learning perspective, allowing me to see industry examples while studying theory in my course."

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Jordan Hughes
MEngSc Pharmaceutical & Biopharmaceutical Engineering

"I’ve hugely increased my appreciation for quality throughout this course, particularly when learning about historical lapses of quality systems in the pharmaceutical industry. This has made me think even more of the importance of what I do in work every day..."

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Graduate Studies Office

Oifig na Staidéar Iarchéime

2nd Floor, West Wing, Main Quad, UCC , T12 YN60

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