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Belonging & Narrative Symposium

15 Sep 2023
Dr Mastoureh Fathi

Congratulations to Dr Mastoureh Fathi for organising this exciting symposium, and Department of Sociology & Criminology, UCC, and The Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century, UCC, for supporting it:

Belonging and Narrative Symposium,

Sept 20, 13.00-16.00 

ORB G027


Belonging & Narrative Symposium Programme


Within the increasingly globalised world, questions about belonging and identity, about how we find ourselves in this world and where we find our alliances are ever more important.

The two distinguished speakers, Prof Nira Yuval-Davis and Prof Molly Andrews will respond to these global challenges, through two international case studies, looking at the importance of politics of belonging and the power of narrative.

The aim of this session is to push forward thinking beyond the immediate issues and think of fundamental questions from a global perspective.


Department of Sociology & Criminology

Socheolaíocht & Coireolaíocht

Askive, Donovan's Road, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, T12 DT02
