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Eli Lilly Awards 2007-2008

Eli Lilly Award for Excellence in Process & Chemical Engineering

Recipients 2007-2008


The awards were held in the Aula Maxima, UCC on 6th February 2008.
Charles Dolan of Eli Lilly made the presentations and Mark Lee, Skidtek performed the keynote address on the night. The IChemE were also represented.

Outstanding Contribution*

Stephen Nation

Class of 2008

Karen Brick

Class of 2009

Sean Peyton

Class of 2010

Aaron Collins

Class of 2011

Fionnuala Hayes


*In 2007-8 a new award was created which will be presented only when it is felt that a given student has excelled such as to merit its conferring, and therefore this award may not be necessarily awarded every year:-
This award is presented to a student who has excelled in developing or fostering the development of a special aspect of the department/discipline:-
"Outstanding Contribution to the Development of Process & Chemical Engineering"

In 2007-8 it was decided to make this award. This award was presented to Stephen Nation for his exceptional contribution to promoting the special bond that exists between the staff and students through his work as Auditor of The Process & Chemical Engineering Society.


Process and Chemical Engineering

Innealtóireacht Próiseas agus Cheimiceach

Room 312, 3rd floor, Food Science Building, University College Cork
