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The Centre for Policy Studies has an active policy-driven research program in the fields of industrial policy, tourism, social policy and health economics. It has research collaborations both within UCC (with the Departments of Geography, Applied Social Studies, Statistics and with the Oral Health Services Research Centre) and externally (Florida Atlantic University, Economic and Social Research Institute, National Tourism Research Centre, University of Limerick and  Research Unit,University of Cardiff).

Recent highlights include the award of a €237,000 HRB Research Grant to the Centre for Policy Studies to investigate GMS Drug Prescribing in Ireland.  Other highlights include an earlier HRB Research Grant award to Dr Noel Woods of €300,000 (2007) and the inclusion of Dr. Woods as a Principal Investigator with the HRB Health Service Research Institute which received a €5 million PhD Scholars Programme award (2007).

Research Grants Summary

 Individual CPS Research Grants €359,416
 Joint CPS Research Grants €364,725
 Joint CPS and UCC Interdepartmental Research Grants  €1,901,564
 UCC/CPS Research Collaboration  €5 million
 Grand Total  €7,607,705


Centre for Policy Studies

Ionad Staidéar Beartas

University College Cork, 5 & 6 Bloomfield Terrace, Western Road, Cork
