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Pedaling Passion: A Triumph in Physiology Week's Cyclathon & Blitz

16 Nov 2023

 In the thrill of Science Week, our Department of Physiology geared up for a cyclathon aiming to pedal 100 kilometres for charity.


However, fuelled by our passion for two noble causes—Laura Lynn Children’s Hospice and the Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association—we exceeded expectations, cycling an exhilarating 160 kilometres on the day! Alongside this feat, to celebrate physiology week we hosted an engaging and interactive physiology blitz right in the heart of the western gateway building on the UCC campus. Enthusiastic participation and palpable excitement filled the air as students and faculty alike delved into how the body works, measuring grip strength and visual reaction time and talking about the what it is to be human. The day was a resounding success, brimming with joy and a shared passion for Physiology. It was a celebration of knowledge, fitness, and camaraderie, provoking curiosity and sparking a desire to learn more about our bodies.  


Follow us on @UCCPhysiology 

Find out more about Physiology week: Physiology Week - The Physiological Society (, 


Physiology Department


Western Gateway Building Western Road University College Cork
