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Dr Lidia Guzy


Name: Dr Lidia Guzy


Role: Lecturer, Head of Department

Academic Unit: Study of Religions

Dr. Guzy is an internationally trained social anthropologist, scholar of religions, currently Head of the Study of Religions Department and Lecturer in Contemporary South Asian Religions.  She is Director of the Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews Study Centre (MEWSC) and a global educator working in the areas of culture, globalisation, indigeneity, art, representation, religion and society, marginalised and endangered worldviews and societies. 

Thematic Expertise

Anthropology, Indigenous People, India, Caste system, Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews, Latin America, Eco-cosmologies

Geographical Expertise

India, Latin America

Relevant Projects

2017/2018 Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews

At present Dr. Guzy is pursuing research on marginalised and endangered worldviews, indigenous knowledge systems and eco-cosmologies.

2017/2018 Indigenous Education

Research tackling the issue of indigenous knowledge and sustainability. This includes comparative research on indigenous education and indigenous universities in India and Latin America. 

2014/2015 Brazil-India - A Comparison of indigenous and marginalised socio-political groups

AMIDILA Erasmus Mundus scholarship with Brazilian partner University Universidade Federal do Piaui. The aim of this research at the partner University is to develop comparisons between India and Brazil in relation to its indigenous and socio-politically marginalised groups. Especially the situation of Indian and Brazilian indigenous peoples was analysed. Socio-political comparisons between afro-Brazilian religious formations and subaltern religious groups in India were undertaken.


2017 Marginalised and Endangered Worldviews “Comparative Studies on contemporary Eurasia, India and South America’’. Lit Publisher.  (Lidia Guzy and James Kapalo)

2016 Special Issue Emerging Adivasi and Indigenous Studies II. Identity Assertions and Symbolic Re-Appropriations in India. Irish Journal of Anthropology, Vol 19(2) 2016 ISSN: 1393-8592 guest editor Lidia Guzy and Marine Carrin, General Editor: J.B. Cuffe 

2015 Special Issue Emerging Adivasi and Indigenous Studies in Ireland. Irish Journal of Anthropology Vol. 18(2) 2015 ISSN: 1393-8592, guest editor Lidia Guzy, General Editor: J.B. Cuffe 

2015 Special Issue Contemporary Indigeneity and Religion in India. In: International Quarterly for Asian Studies December Issue (together with Greg Alles, Uwe Skoda, Uelo Valk) 

2013 Marginalised Music. Music, Religion and Politics from the Bora Sambar Region of Western Odisha. Lit Verlag: Basel/Berlin. 


Centre for Global Development
