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All-island Obesity Action Forum and Newsletter

Established in December 2008 to support the implementation of obesity policies in both Northern Ireland (NI) and Republic of Ireland (ROI), the Forum brings together a wide range of stakeholders from over 31 different organisations. Members come from both the areas of food and physical activity. By facilitating the exchange of best practice and by promoting networking and collaboration, the Forum provides an ideal platform for partnership and cohesive working on the island of Ireland.

The All-island Obesity Action Forum launched its e-bulletin the All-island Obesity News in April 2009. It aims to support the work of the Forum by promoting the sharing of information and exchange of best practice.

Welcome to the May 2022 edition of the All-island Obesity News

Read the May 2022 Newsletter

In this month’s feature we look at the World Health Organization's 'European Regional Obesity Report 2022'.


Would you like to submit an item for inclusion in the next newsletter?

If so, please email or tag us on Twitter @safefoodnetwork

Subscribe to the All-island Obesity Action Forum News.

School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
