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Useful Links


Below are a series of links to sites that may be of use to health professionals and students alike. If you find that a link is broken please report it to us ( or Likewise if you have suggestions for the addition or removal of a site please let us know.

These links provide an information resource for the education of our students, on the understanding that they are not be interpreted as necessarily representing the views of UCC Pathology Department. They are not provided to diagnose health problems, to give medical advice or to take the place of professional medical care.  If you have health problems or specific questions, you should consult your physician or other health care provider.



Webpath                 Images and tutorials
DermPathTutor     A tutorial in dermatologic pathology; Department of Dermatology, University of Iowa College of Medicine                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               The Urbana Atlas of Pathology University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign
Kruglick Law Offices  Forensic Medicine and Pathology links
Haematology   Mayo Clinic, Rochester
Nephropathology  University of North Carolina
Haematopathology  State University of New York (Stony Brook University Medical Center)
Oral Pathology  Virginia Commonwealth University
Oral Pathology Image Database   Iowa, Harvard
Ophthalmic Pathology  University of Utah                                                                                                                                                                                                    Ophthalmic Pathology University of Oklahoma                                                                                                                                                                                  

Medical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases

The Big Picture Book of Viruses   Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans
Medical Microbiology   'Neal Chamberlain's look at the Microbial World'
Medical Microbiology, Medical Virology  University of Cape Town
CDC Parasitology  'Identification and Diagnosis of Parasites of Public Health Concern'
Ectoparasites and Endoparasites


E-chocardiography Journal  An electronic journal of cardiac ultrasound
Cardiothoracic imaging     Yale University
12-lead ECG Library
Medicor Cardiology Cardiology   Nebraska Academy of Physician Assistants
Cardiac MPEG Angiography Cardiovascular Medical Group of Southern California


OMIM  Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man

UCSC  Human Genome Browser Gateway

CEPH   Foundation Jean Dausset: Human Polymorphism Study Center


Whole Brain Atlas   Many images and time-lapse movies
Department of Neurology at Massachusetts General Hospital - Neurology web forum


The Paediatric Internet Reviews of internet resources by AAP Fellows
The Vanderbilt Childrens' Hospital Digital Library    Vanderbilt Medical Centre

Imaging and Anatomy

ICONOCERF-WEB   Electronic image base produced by the CERF and the SFR
OBE   South Bank University
Physiological Imaging   University of Iowa
Anatomy TV  


PubMed  Database of biomedical publications

Harvard Citation and Referencing Guide   Leeds Metropolitan University

Vancouver style  How to acknowledge what you have read - Monash University Library

Other Links

Associations, Societies, Centres etc.

HISI   Healthcare Informatics Society of Ireland

ISHG Irish Society of Human Genetics
GPIT Group  General Practice Information Technology Group (Ireland)
HISA  Healthcare Informatics Society Australia
NZHIS New Zealand Health Information Service
AMIA  American Medical Informatics Association
IMIA  International Medical Informatics Association
Centre for Pathology Informatics  University of Pittsburgh Medical Centre

The Electronic Healthcare Record

e-Health Record   EHTO information on the development of patient records from the traditional paper-bound files to an Electronic Health Records (EHR)
EHR Messages
ERDIP   Electronic Record Development and Implementation Programme (NHS)
openEHR   openEHR Foundation

Some Standards Groups

CEN TC251   European standardisation of health informatics (user name & password required)
HL7  Health Level 7
ISO TC215    International Organisation for Standardisation

Coding, Terminology & Classification

SNOMED   Systemised nomenclature of medicine
OpenGalen   "Making the impossible very difficult"
NHSIA   NHSIA clinical terminology and classification services






UCC Department of Pathology, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork, Ireland
