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Reports Overview 

HR reports are essential to aid with staff planning and budgets, assist management in strategic decision making processes, as well as meet mandatory requirements. HRIS Support use a variety of reporting tools, including Core Insight and MicroStrategy, to access data in the Core HR/Payroll database, depending on the information needed, such as whether it is historic or current, the level of detail, and so on. 

Customised reports can be generated and shared with Heads of College/Schools/Units, School Managers, Finance Managers or HR Business Managers. On average the HRIS team typically provides 300 reports a year upon request. Some examples of report types include:

  • Staff Contract Details,
  • Impending Retirements,
  • Adjunct Staff,
  • Joint Appointments,
  • Headcount and FTE by category, among others. 

If you require an ad hoc report please contact HRIS Support. Please allow 3 weeks for a report request to be processed.


Human Resources

Acmhainní Daonna

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
