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The Glucksman Gallery

Environmental Education at the Glucksman Gallery

As part of it’s overall strategy the Glucksman Gallery aims to “Devise curatorial projects that explore contemporary art as it relates to the three priority strands of our education programme: Health and Wellbeing; Equality and Diversity; Climate Action and Sustainability”.

The Glucksman has partnered with Green Campus to devise and present creative projects for schools and community groups that explore environmental issues through collaborative art making.  For example, People and the Planet facilitated schools, community groups and children living in Direct Provision to work with artists to develop inventive installations from recyclables and natural materials.  Creative sessions took place in the Glucksman as well as outdoors in the University lower grounds so that children could learn about their local habitat. Participating groups explored biodiversity and sustainability, working together to present imaginative artworks for a public exhibition.

As part of the “Classroom Museum” project, funded by Cork County Council and UCC Green Campus, the Glucksman Gallery took artworks from the UCC Collection to three primary schools in rural Cork. The artworks, by Fiona Kelly, address the issues of environmental degradation and urban encroachment. Students were invited to explore the artworks and then create their own responses. The workshops explored both local and global environmental issues. 74 children took part in the project, which culminated in an exhibition of their pieces at the Glucksman Gallery and a “green tour” of campus. Teachers from the three schools attended a masterclass in UCC, which was accredited by the UCC Centre for Continuing Professional Development. The final product will be a toolkit for schools throughout Ireland (and further afield).

