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Engaging with Community and Organisations

FREE access to Project Management Training Videos 

4 May 2020

Fistral provide Project Management training, used by the University in the past. They have been in touch with us to highlight thier free online training videos available to all, as well as free coaching/mentoring for anyone involved in the COVID-19 response.  They encouraged us to share the resources widely, so we're sharing them with you. 

During COVID-19, they are offering FREE access to a series of Videos -  each about 5min long. The videos are intense 'shots' of bite-sized learning which they call their "Espresso" range. 

Although the videos aimed at Researchers. the Project Management tools and techniques are helpful for managing any project, and are a useful resource for any one working in any sector who would like an introduction to project management. The videos are sequenced so they recommend you watch them in order. 

FISTRALS FREE support and resources during Covid-19:

  • FREE PM VIDEOS - During Covid-19 we're offering free access to our PM "Espresso" videos. For this first set of videos we have contextualised Project Management techniques for PGRs, PhDs and Early Career Researchers - however the tools and techniques are equally applicable to any project. Feel free to share with anyone - your network, colleagues, family, friends - who might be interested in PM, needs to keep their brain working, wants learn about PM. We've released 6 videos, with more coming very soon. See our Espresso page for access to the videos for free.
  • FREE PM MENTORING/COACHING - In addition we're also offering 'pro bono' trainer time for public health, research, or any company or customer who is involved with the Covid-19 response and would benefit from a few hours online mentoring/coaching or PM/Risk support. The only stipulation is that it must be a genuine project arising directly from the current crisis to provide a public health service, essential technology or research and that it must be a non-profit project or initiative. Email me for more information.

Watch the Videos Here

Civic & Community Engagement

Comhpháirteachas Cathartha agus Pobail
