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Behavioural Neuroscience

Behavioural Neuroscience recent publications

  • Chambers F, Murphy N, Nolan YM, Murphy O. (2014) ‘William, a 15-year-old sport-crazy Millennial in Ireland’ In: Pedagogical Cases in Sport, Exercise and Movement.  Kathleen Armour (Ed.). Routledge.
  • O'Leary OF, Dinan TG, Cryan JF (2014) Faster, better, stronger: Towards new antidepressant therapeutic strategies. Eur J Pharmacol. 2014 Aug 1.

    doi: 10.1016/j.ejphar.2014.07.046. [Epub ahead of print]

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Anatamaíocht agus Néareolaíocht

Room 2.33, 2nd Floor, Western Gateway Building, University College, Cork, Ireland
