About nasc research
nasc research at University College Cork is a research group that is advancing technology for connecting people and systems. We are making future networked systems secure, dependable and autonomous, enhancing the digital fabric on which modern society relies.
In the Irish language Gaelic, "nasc" means to connect or link, which is the ultimate goal in computer networking. For us, the individual letters in nasc also correspond to Networking, Autonomous Systems, and Cybersecurity, thereby also capturing the essence of our research.
Recent News

Vacancies - 2 x PhD Studentships, nasc Research, School of Computer Science & Information Technology, UCC

Vacancy - Post Doctoral Researcher or Senior Post Doctoral Researcher for Project Title: SD5GTSN nasc research, School of Computer Science & Information Technology, UCC

Vacancy - Senior Post Doctoral Researcher in the area of deriving PERceptual Confidence in cooperative Vehicular Environments (PERCeiVE project), CONNECT2 T4, nasc research, School of Computer Science & Information Technology, UCC