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Watch now - Climate change, health and co-benefits

When it comes to health, climate change is often thought of as a risk multiplier - a major impate is exacerbating existing health problems and facilitating the spread of existing diseases to new areas.

WHO/Europe hosted a side event at the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26) this week to promote health and policies that are good for the climate and for health. In particular, panellists from a range of organisations spoke of the need for a change in the policy environment and the necessary tools to take health-focused actions, such as reducing air pollution and promoting active mobility.

You can read the full 2021 WHO Health and Climate Change Global Survey Report which was just released during COP26.

The Irish Research Council New Foundations CATCH Project, led by Dr Christie Godsmark of the ERI and the School of Public Health has produced a short video illustrating how our health is vulnerable in the face of climate change, and what actions we can take to mitigate the impacts that will occur. 

 This animation was produced as part of the Irish Research Council New Foundations CATCH Project. CATCH stands for Communication and Action through Tree-planting for Climate-Health. To find out more please visit the project site: