COP29’s theme of ‘In Solidarity for a Green World’ set out ambitious aims to address climate change challenges.
90 days on we want to reflect and look forward to what this means in terms the actions we are taking locally.
This online event will draw together academic speakers and industry and community leaders to discuss how research can address the challenges of global climate action. The lunchtime event will include a panel of speakers on the topic of a just, orderly and equitable energy transition and an audience discussion.
The event, co-organised by the University of Plymouth (UK), University College Cork (Ireland), and UMass (Lowell) (USA), will demonstrate how collaboration can be an approach to addressing global challenges.
- To share knowledge and insights from COP29 to local audiences
- To mobilise resources and capacity on COP29 objectives around action ‘at home’
- To enable discussion around the focussed topic of a just transition for a green world
- Professor Deborah Greaves, Director of the UK's Supergen Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) Hub, University of Plymouth, UK
- Dr. Fionn Rogan, Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Research Institute, SFI MaREI Centre, Univeristy College Cork, Ireland
- Professor Juliette Rooney-Varga, Director of Climate Change Intiative, UMass Lowell, USA
- Sumaya Mohammed, Law Student at University College Cork, a climate advocate, and a member of the Youth Climate Justice project’s Advisory Board