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Revisit is the official podcast of UCC Visitor Services. The podcast takes a look at some of the culture and history of UCC established as Queens College Cork in 1845.

Listen to our latest episodes below.

Episode 14: Dr Sharon Lambert of the School of Applied Psychology

In this episode JP talks with Dr Sharon Lambert of the School of Applied Psychology who first attended UCC as a mature student and joined the teaching staff in 2014. Sharon talks about applying her research in communities and how she uses technology to share her research with broad audiences.

Episode 13: Dr Catherine O'Mahony, Teaching and Learning at UCC

JP is joined on this episode by Dr Catherine O'Mahony who is the Director of the Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning at UCC (CIRTL). Catherine tells us about the work of the Centre, the challenges of teaching and learning during the pandemic and answers JP's question about whether academics and teachers can learn from their students.

Episode 12: Professor Máire Leane, UCC Applied Social Sciences

JP is joined on the show today by Professor Máire Leane who is a driving force behind both the Certificate for Contemporary Living Course at UCC for Adults with Learning Difficulties and the Autism Friendly Project at UCC. The wide ranging discussion covers these initiatives and broader discussions on inclusivity and gender.

Episode 11: Dr Aodh Quinlivan, UCC Centre for Local and Regional Governance

JP is joined on the show by Dr Aodh Quinlivan, Director of UCC's Centre for Local and Regional Governance, to discuss a wide range of topics including the belief that "all politics is local", the challenging future of local councils and his latest book The Forgotten Lord Mayor about Donal Óg O'Callaghan, a historically overlooked Lord Mayor of Cork City.

Episode 10: Dr Jenny Butler of UCC's Department of Study of Religions

JP is joined on the show by Dr Jenny Butler of the Department of Study of Religions. Dr Butler is a well known folklorist and the leading authority on the academic study of contemporary Paganism in Ireland. This wide ranging discussion covers Jenny's research into rituals and festivals, place names and other aspects of folklore, and the study of Paganism.

Episode 9: Dr Eoin Lettice, UCC Open Arboretum

JP is joined on the show by Dr Eoin Lettice of the School of Biological Ecological and Environmental Sciences to discuss the UCC Arboretum and plans for the Learning Trees Project at UCC.

Episode 8: Father Gerard Dunne discusses UCC Chaplaincy and the Honan Restoration Project

JP is joined on the show by Father Gerard Dunne of UCC Chaplaincy to discuss the work of the Chaplaincy based at Iona on College Road, his experiences since he arrived at UCC and an update on the restoration of the Honan Chapel which is currently underway at UCC.

Episode 7: Dr Lekha Menon Margassery, President of UCC Indian Alumni Community

JP is joined on the show today by Dr Lekha Menon Margassery. Lekha undertook her PhD studies at UCC and has led a full life since. Lekha established the UCC Indian Alumni Community, ran in the Local Elections in 2019, established the Indian Dance group Aatma and is considered the unofficial mother to many of the Indian Students in Cork. Her passion for people and for UCC shines through in this pleasant episode.

Episode 6: Jack Murphy, UCC Head Gardener

JP is joined on the show by Jack Murphy, UCC's Head Gardener, to talk about his work and the day-to-day work of the UCC Grounds Team who keep UCC looking as beautiful as it does.

Episode 5: The Skills Centre with Kathy Bradley

JP is joined on the show by Kathy Bradley to discuss the function of the Skills Centre based in the Boole Library, her own history with UCC, and her own historical true novel The Ship of Seven Murders.

Episode 4: The Birth and Colourful Growth of the Lewis Glucksman Gallery

JP is joined on this episode by Fiona Kearney, Director of the Lewis Glucksman Gallery, to discuss the evolution of the gallery and the challenges of operating a gallery in the current environment.

Episode 3: The History and Future of UCC 98.3FM

JP is joined on this episode by Kieran Hurley the Station Manager of UCC 98.3FM - the first university radio station in Ireland - to discuss the history and evolution of the station and talk about some of the plans for the future for the station, which has moved to a brand new state-of-the-art studio in the new Hub Building.

Episode 2: The Great Book of Ireland

On this episode JP is joined by Crónán Ó Doibhlin who is the Head of Research Collections & Communications at UCC Library. Crónán joins us on the show to talk about The Great Book of Ireland acquired by UCC in 2013.
The book, A Gallery and Anthology of Modern Irish Art and Poetry, began as a project in 1989 and contains the work of 121 artists, 143 poets and 9 composers who painted, drew and wrote directly onto the Vellum manuscript.
The Great Book of Ireland is housed at the Boole Library at UCC.

Episode 1: An Bothán

JP is joined on the show by Ross O'Donovan, Buildings Maintenance Manager at UCC, to discuss the Construction of An Bothán; a replica sod cabin that stood in UCC as part of UCC's contribution to The Famine Commemoration. Ross talks about how the idea came about and the work that was involved.

Visitor Services

North Wing, Main Quad, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland,
