Public Engagement
Ask a question
365 nights of invisible work is about you!
Are you a migrant? woman? working at night? in manual jobs?
If you answer YES to these questions, then please get in touch. Sends us a photo or an avatar of you and tells us what jobs you do. Alternatively, take a photo of an object that you use at work on a night-by-night basis
- 365 of invisible work is a project that aims to raise awareness of the types of jobs women do at night, in 365 images.
- It draws upon the work by WORKER 3 - Domestic Photographer Network, initiated by the Werker Collective (artists Marc Roig Blesa and Rogier Delfos)
- In a similar fashion, PRECNIGHTS' objective is to visibilise the nature of work that women do at night. Women migrant nightworkers need not stay hidden in the masculine world of night work. This is a space to come forward to inspire those who do not see or hear about the hidden world of nightwork.
PRECNIGHTS calls for recognition of women migrant nightworkers, and the strategic role they have in keeping the nightime economies moving round-the-clock in Ireland, Europe and beyond.
Thank you for taking the time to read. And if you would like to help with raising awarenes and increasing visibility of nightwork please get in touch. If you wish to ASK A QUESTION, please email:
In solidarity with women migrant nightworkers - thank you for your determination, for doing what you do, which inspires us a great deal!
Julius-Cezar Macarie | PRECNIGHTS Researcher | ISS21, University College Cork