Ms Edel Manning
Edel Manning has co-ordinated the Maternal Death Enquiry (MDE) Ireland since its inception in 2009. She has fulfilled this role on a part-time basis in conjunction with her role as a research midwife in the National Perinatal Epidemiology Centre (NPEC) where she has shared responsibility for conducting two national clinical audits of the maternity services in Ireland: Perinatal Mortality and Severe Maternal Morbidity. She has been intrinsic to the development, implementation and refinement of data collection tools used in these clinical audits.
Edel trained as a general nurse in the Mater Misericordiae and as a midwife in the Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital (CWIUH), Dublin. Her midwifery experience has been in the CWIUH in a variety of roles including Clinical Midwife Manager 2 (CMM2) within the labour ward and clinical midwife specialist within the ultrasound department.
Research Interests
Edel’s area of interest includes; quality review of healthcare data collection methodology and refinement of clinical audit and research to support the delivery of safe, equitable, high quality care within the maternity services