Dr Panos Sianis
Since my early childhood days I have fostered a great love of two things: animals and stories. Thus, it wasn’t difficult for me to fall in love with Palaeontology which combines both! To unravel and learn the story of long-lost life that existed on this Earth before us is an amazing privilege which I will never get tired of. As such, after acquiring a Geology degree, an MSc diploma and a PhD title, I am now a Palaeontologist specialised in the study of Pleistocene large mammals. Apart from that I am also experienced in taphonomy, palaeoecology, as well as archaeological palaeoanthropology.
Staikou V., Sianis P. D., Vassou D., Psonis N., Allentoft M., E., Iliopoulos G. (2021). Middle Helladic Tombs at Nydri Plain, Lefkas Island. An Archaeological and Paleoanthropological Study. Journal of Greek Archaeology, 6: 43-59
Sianis, P. D., Kostopoulos, D. S., Roussiakis, S., Athanassiou, A., Iliopoulos, G. (2022). The Bovids (Artiodactyla) from the Lower Pleistocene Locality of Karnezeika. Historical Biology, 35:5, 661-677.
Sianis, P. D., Athanassiou, A., Kostopoulos, D. S., Roussiakis, S., Kargopoulos, N., Iliopoulos, G.(2022). The remains of a large cercopithecid from the Lower Pleistocene locality of Karnezeika (Southern Greece). Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of The Royal Society of Edinburgh; 114(1-2):177-182
Tzortzi M., Sianis, P. D., Darlas A., Iliopoulos G. (2023). Carnivores from the Late Pleistocene locality Melitzia Cave (Mani Peninsula, Greece). Historical Biology; 36(2), 266–284.
Sianis P. D., Athanassiou A., Roussiakis S., Iliopoulos G., (2023). Carnivora from the Early Pleistocene locality of Karnezeika (Southern Greece). Geobios; 79: 43-59.
Sianis P. D., Tsitsou, E., Konstantopoulou M. V., Iliopoulos G., Staikou V. (2024). Insights Into an Ancient Lefkas (SWGreece) Community: Archaeological, Anthropological, and Palaeopathological Findings from Tomb 43, Aravanis Plot, North Cemetery. Journal of Anthropological and Archaeological Sciences; 9(1).
Sianis P. D., Tsitsou E., Iliopoulos G., Staikou, V. (In press). Ερευνητικό πρόγραμμα μελέτης οστεολογικού υλικού από τα νεκροταφεία της αρχαίας Λευκάδας. Προκαταρκτικά Πορίσματα. ADelt 72-73, Meletes, Αthens
Martino R., Sianis P. D., Estraviz-López, D., Rotarori, F. M., Conti R., Ríos, M. (Under editorial review). Disentangling morphological variation in metapodials of giraffids: modern and traditional approaches. Organisms Diversity & Evolution.
Sianis P. D., Alifieri, E., Athanassiou, A., Tzortzi M., Iliopoulos G., (Manuscript in preparation). Palaeoecological interpretations of Gazella bouvrainae Kostopoulos & Athanassiou, 1997 (Mammalia, Artiodactyla).