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Beatriz Carazo del Hoyo

I am a biologist who is fascinated by all things past! I am also really into paleoart. My previous research involved describing fossil beavers from the Pleistocene sites of Pinilla del Valle (Madrid, Spain) and the exceptional preservation of fossil teleosts from the Cretaceous of Las Hoyas (Cuenca, Spain). My PhD will focus on the taphonomy of melanin.


  • Carazo del Hoyo, B., Martín-Abad, H., D. Buscalioni, A., 2020. Revisiting fish mass mortality in Las Hoyas (upper Barremian, La Huérguina Formation, Cuenca). In Gilabert Pérez, V., Medrano Aguado, E., García Penas, A., Ferratges Kwekel, F. A., Laita Florían, E. et al (Eds.), Novelties in Iberian Palaeontology (pp. 22). Proceedings of the XVIII EJIP, 27-30 May, Andorra, Teruel, Spain.


  • Nov 2021 – present: PhD (Geology) student at University College Cork, Ireland. PhD project: The Taphonomy of Melanin.
  • Oct 2020 – Sept 2021: MSc in Human Evolution at Universidad de Burgos, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. MSc Thesis: Los castores de los yacimientos Pleistocenos de Pinilla del Valle (Madrid) // Beavers from the Pleistocene sites of Pinilla del Valle (Madrid).
  • July 2019 – Nov 2019: Volunteer Forensic Anthropologist at ArqueoAntro, a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying and exhuming the remains of the victims of Spain’s dictatorship from mass graves.
  • July 2018: Summer intern at “ARQUEX: Soluciones integrales en Patrimonio”. A company dedicated to the preservation of Spain’s archaeological and paleontological heritage.
  • Sept 2014 – June 2019: BSc in Biology at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain. BSc Thesis (Matrícula de Honor Award): Preservación excepcional de peces en Las Hoyas: asociaciones y tejidos blandos // Exceptional preservation off ish in Las Hoyas: fossil associations and soft tissues.

Maria McNamara Research Group

Experimental and analytical taphonomy

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES), University College Cork (UCC), Butler Building, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork, T23 TK30, Ireland
