About TKC
Our Approach
Organisational and social transformation flows from personal transformations.
Support is regularly available in the form of new skills, more information, advice, consultancy. While these can address certain problems, they occur only at the Competence level of observable behaviours. As Professor Robert Kegan says, this is leaving many people feeling ‘in over their heads’.
Real development requires trans-form-ation – going beyond current forms of knowing. We work on this at the foundational Capability and the bridging Capacity levels which govern our behaviours.
Our approach to ‘Leadership Development’ is truly transformational, being focused on transforming minds to change behaviours.
Results and Benefits for Participants
As the Centre for Transformative Thinking we work How We Think, not telling people What to Think, as the key to future leadership. Our Experiences for Leadership Development show people the method for Transformative Thinking. By working on this method together, people practice doing it for themselves and can take it into the rest of their lives – true ‘life-long learning’.
Our Leadership Development Experiences and collaborative way of working with people differs from many offerings in Executive Education which often focus on doings for/to people, adding more of the same to unchanged minds.
More About TKC
Find out more about our past events, the TKC team, and browse our photo gallery.