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Dr Margaret Scanlon

Dr. Margaret Scanlon took up the post of ISS21 Research Coordinator in October 2017. Previously she was a post-doctoral researcher in the School of Applied Social Studies & ISS21 (2008-2017), where she carried out research on several areas of social policy including: youth work and youth policy in contemporary Ireland; the origins and representation of the child abuse enquiries; and increasing access to higher education for young people from lower socio-economic groups. Margaret has authored/co-authored over 15 peer-reviewed journal articles and five books, including Dark Secrets of Childhood: media power, child abuse and public scandals (Powell and Scanlon, 2015). Margaret undertook her PhD at the Institute of Education, University of London, where she also worked from 1998-2003. Her research interests lie in the areas of education, childhood/youth, and the media.

Tel. (021) 4205221




Peer reviewed journals

2020 Scanlon, M., Leahy, P., Jenkinson, H. & Powell, F. (2020) “‘My biggest fear was whether or not I would make friends”: working-class students’ reflections on their transition to university in Ireland’, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 44 (6): 753-765.
2020 Salazar M, Daoud N, Edwards C., Scanlon & Vives-Cases, C. (2020) ‘PositivMasc: masculinities and violence against women among young people. Identifying discourses and developing strategies for change, a mixed-method study protocol’ BMJ Open, 10 (9): 1-7.
2019 Scanlon, M., Jenkinson, H., Leahy, P., Powell, F. and Byrne, O. (2019) “‘How are we going to do it?” An exploration of the barriers to access to higher education amongst young people from disadvantaged communities’, Irish Educational Studies, 38 (3): 343-357.
2019 Scanlon, M., Powell, F., Leahy, P., Jenkinson, H. and Byrne, O. (2019) “‘No one in our family ever went to college”: Parents’ orientations towards their children’s post-secondary education and future occupations’, International Journal of Educational Research, 93: 13-22.
2019 Jenkinson, H., Leahy, P., Scanlon, M., Powell, F. and Byrne, O. (2019) ‘The value of groupwork knowledge and skills in focus group research: a focus group approach with marginalized teens regarding access to third-level education’, International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 18: 1-11.
2018 Martin, S., Horgan, D., Scanlon, M., Eldin, N. and O’Donnell, A. (2018)  ‘Including the voices of children and young people in health policy development: An Irish perspective’, Health Education Journal, 77(7): 791-802.
2012 Powell, F., Geoghegan, M., Scanlon, M. and Swirak, K. (2012) ‘The Irish charity myth, child abuse and human rights: contextualising the Ryan Report into care institutions’, British Journal of Social Work, 43: 7–23.
2011 Scanlon, M., Powell, F., Geoghegan, M. and Swirak, K. (2011) ‘Targeted youth work in contemporary Ireland’ Youth Studies Ireland, 6(1): 3-17.
2011 Scanlon, M. (2011) ‘History beyond the academy: humor and horror in children’s history books’, New Review of Children’s Literature and Librarianship, 16(2): 69-91.
2005 Buckingham, D. and Scanlon, M. (2005) ‘Selling learning: towards a political economy of edutainment media’ Media, Culture and Society, 27(1): 41-58.
2005 Scanlon, M. and Buckingham, D. (2005) 'Motivating Maths? Digital games and mathematical learning' Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 14 (1): 127-139.
2004 Scanlon, M. and Buckingham, D. (2004) ‘Home learning and the educational marketplace’ Oxford Review of Education, 30(2): 287-303.
2004 Buckingham, D. and Scanlon, M. (2004) 'Connecting the family? Educational web sites and learning in the home' Education, Communication and Information, 4 (2-3): 271-291.
2003 Scanlon, M. and Buckingham, D. (2003) ‘Debating the Digital Curriculum: intersections of the public and the private in educational and cultural policy’, London Review of Education, 1 (3): 191-205.
2003 Scanlon, M. and Buckingham, D. (2003) ‘Deconstructing dinosaurs: imagery, fact and fiction in information books for children’, Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature, 41(1):14-20.
2002 Scanlon, M. and Buckingham, D. (2002) 'Popular Histories: ‘education’ and ‘entertainment’ in information books for children', The Curriculum Journal, 13 (3):141-161.
2001 Buckingham, D. and Scanlon, M. (2001) 'Parental Pedagogies: an analysis of British 'edutainment' magazines for young children',  Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 1 (3): 281-299.



2024 Powell, F., Scanlon, M., Leahy, P., Jenkinson, H. and Byrne, O. (2024) The Making of a Left-Behind Class: Educational Stratification, Meritocracy and Widening Participation. Bristol: Policy Press.
2015 Powell, F. and Scanlon, M. (2015) Dark Secrets of Childhood: Media Power, Child Abuse and Public Scandals. Bristol: Policy Press. 
2013 Halton, C., Powell, F. and Scanlon, M. (2013) Continuing Professional Development in Social Work. Bristol: Policy Press. 
2012 Powell, F., Geoghegan, M., Scanlon, M. and Swirak, K. (2012) Youth Policy, Civil Society and the Modern Irish State. Manchester: Manchester University Press. 
2003 Buckingham, D. and Scanlon, M. (2003) Education, Entertainment and Learning in the Home. Buckingham: Open University Press. 


Book chapters


Powell, F., Geoghegan, M., Scanlon, M. and Swirak, K. (2012) 'Child Outcasts: the Ryan Report into industrial and reformatory schools' in: D. Lynch and K. Burns (eds) Children's Rights and Child Protection. Manchester: Manchester University Press, p. 15-28.


Buckingham, D. and Scanlon, M. (2006) ‘Interactivity and pedagogy in 'edutainment' software’ in D. Gibbs and K.  Krause (eds.) Cyberlines 2.0: Languages and Cultures of the Internet. James Nicholas, Victoria; Australia, p.199-218.


Buckingham, D., Scanlon, M. and Sefton-Green, J. (2001) ‘Selling the digital dream: marketing educational technology to teachers and parents’ in Loveless, A. and Ellis, V. (eds) ICT, Pedagogy and the Curriculum. London: Routledge, p.20-40.


Scanlon, M. (2000) ‘Introduction to Social Research Methods in Wilkinson, D. (ed.) The Researcher’s Toolkit: the complete guide to practitioner research. London: Routledge, p.1-12.



2024 Scanlon, M., Hogan, E., Martin, S. and Powell, F. (2024) Promoting Youth Volunteering in Ireland: Current Practice and Ways Forward. Report for the Department of Rural and Community Development.
2024 Scanlon, M., Hogan, E., Martin, S. and Powell, F. (2024) Youth Volunteering Toolkit: Guidelines for Volunteer Involving Organisations & Volunteer Centres. Report for the Department of Rural and Community Development.
2024 Martin, S., Desmond, E. and Scanlon, M. (2024) Volunteer Recognition: Developing Questions for the Irish Census on Formal and Informal Volunteering Report for the Department of Rural and Community Development
2023 Dukelow, F., Whelan, J. and Scanlon, M. (2023) In Transit? Documenting the lived experiences of welfare, working and caring for one-parent families claiming Jobseeker’s Transitional Payment. University College Cork and One Family. 
2022 Scanlon, M. and Martin, S. (2022) Inclusive Volunteering: Exploring Migrant Participation in Volunteerism. Cork: University College Cork.
2020 Powell, F., Scanlon, M., Leahy, P. and Jenkinson, H. (2020) Widening Participation in Irish Higher Education. Cork: University College Cork.
2018 Powell, F., Scanlon, M. and Galvin, M. (2018) Making a difference: A research report on student volunteering in UCC. Cork: University College Cork.
2016 Martin, S., Horgan, D. and Scanlon, M. (2016) Healthy Lifestyles: a consultation with children and young people. Dublin: Government Publications.
2010 Powell, F., Geoghegan, M., Scanlon, M., Swirak, K. (2010) Working with young people: a national study of youth work provision and policy in contemporary Ireland. Cork: ISS21
1999 Scanlon, M. (1999)  The Impact of OFSTED Inspections. Slough: National Foundation for Educational Research.
1999 Scanlon, M., Earley, P. and Evans, J. (1999) Improving the Effectiveness of School Governing Bodies. London: Department for Education and Employment.


Conference publications

2017 Scanlon, M. Powell, F., Leahy, P. and Jenkinson, H. (2017) ‘Increasing Access to Higher Education in Ireland’ Ireland International Conference on Education (IICE) 2017 Proceedings. Dublin, 23-26 October, 2017.


Other publications

2022 Scanlon, M. and Martin, S. (2022) 'How migrant volunteering has benefits for everyone', RTE Brainstorm, 24 May 2022.
2011 Scanlon, M. (2011) ‘“The past is a foreign country”: humour and horror in Terry Deary’s Horrible Histories series’, Inis: the Children’s Books Magazine, Summer edition, p.5-10
2001 Scanlon, M. (2001) 'The impact of OFSTED inspections: the experience of special measures schools', National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) Topic, no.25


Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
