Using Social Media
UCC Social Media Overview
Social media can be an invaluable complement to your webpages. It provides you with a cost-effective and easy way to effectively communicate important information to your audience(s).
Linking in with UCC’s social networks to spread news of your course/service/event can widen the reach of your message. UCC Facebook and Twitter for instance collectively have close to 55,000 fans, and there is also a large number affiliated UCC accounts (see full list below).
The Office of Marketing and Brand and the Office of Media and Communications maintain the official social media accounts on behalf of UCC.
UCC on Facebook | UCC on Twitter | UCC on YouTube |
UCC on LinkedIn | UCC on Storify | UCC on Tripadvisor |
Social Media Policies and Procedures
Using social media for your UCC organisational unit is governed by the university's Web and Social Media policy. Before setting up any social media accounts, please familiarise yourself with:
- the policy and
- associated procedure for establising and maintaining a UCC organisational unit social media account.
You must then contact with the Digital Estate for Communications Group to request approval for the set up of a social media account.
Telling Your Story Through Social Media
Some general tips:
Firstly, review the Digital Estate Working Group Policies around social media above (note in particular the Social Media Policy; Social Media Procedure (for setting up) Other Accounts)
By tagging @UCC on Twitter or @University College Cork on Facebook, you will notify the official UCC social media platforms who can then retweet or reshare your information. The UCC/national Students’ Union is also worth tagging (@UCCSU and @TheUSI on Twitter; @Collegeroadie and on Facebook).
An internal social media mailing list is also available. Over a hundred of social media administrators of different accounts across the university are on this list, sharing content as it comes in where appropriate. Joining this list is another way to reach a wider audience, as you can ask colleagues to share your news across their social media presences, and reciprocate where appropriate. To sign up (and to be listed in the full list below), please email
Also consider which high profile/high follower accounts in the wider community you should be targeting who could re-tweet your message to your target audience – e.g. if looking for young professionals/mature students for a business/tech course, consider @Irish_Biz @irishbizparty @siliconrepublic @idaireland @thejournal_ie etc.
Create a unique #hashtag for your course/service/event that will over time build up its own following e.g. see #UCCFarmleigh or #UCCChasingIce Use it! If in doubt as to a #hashtag, feel free to email
Encourage engagement/ community/fun spirit using various hashtags – e.g. #youcc #sUCCess #jobfairy #UCC #irishbiz #Tweesis
Avoid generic or ‘corporate speak’ across your social media presence – all content should be compelling, colourful and accessible to your target audience. Examine competitor accounts and the more popular social media accounts generally to get a sense of this approach.
One size does not fit all - ensure that your content is tailored across your social media platforms e.g. if you run a Twitter and Facebook account, your followers on either platform are likely to differ somewhat (age, gender etc), and so then should your content accordingly. Tools like Hootsuite can be a great help in scheduling posts to social media out of hours or to cover leave, but are often overused to share the same content across multiple networks (this often fails on Twitter in particular, where a message that makes sense on Facebook can be cut off due to the 140 character limit per Tweet.)
If students are your target audience, think of optimum times throughout the year when students will be considering their options – the weeks and months in the run-up to CAO, Change of Mind etc – these are times when you should be more active, but you should have a daily presence on social media (several times a day ideally) to be more effective.
Other UCC Social Media
Many individual UCC departments and groups have a presence on various social media platforms. To connect with a group or department that you are interested in, please check out the following links: