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What is the Digital Estate for Communications?

If we think of our physical estate as the buildings and grounds and physical things that make up UCC, the digital estate is the online equivalent and a handy term to describe all the digital systems and platforms that allow UCC to operate in an online world. The digital estate for communications, then, is a collective term for the websites, social media and other digital channels that we use for communications. 

Who is the Digital Estate for Communications (DE Comms) Group

Digital Estate for Communications (DE Comms) Group brings together expertise from across IT, Marketing and Brand and other areas of the university with representatives from: 

  • External relations
    • Web Content team
    • Media and comms rep
    • Marketing and brand rep
  • IT Services
    • Digital services and AVMS rep
  • Registrar
  • Students' Union
  • Recruitment and admissons
  • Alumni and Development
  • Invited others from OCLA and Academic colleagues

Responsibilities of DE Comms Group

This group

  • Sets strategy and implements policy
  • Determines and defines standards (both technical and content)
  • Enables the operation of the digital estate for communications

For our websites, social media channels and other digital communications platforms. 

Digital Estate Governance, Policies and Procedures

The UCC digital estate is governed first and foremost by the university's Web and Social Media Policy

For university staff and students, explore the web and social media policy, and related procedures, standards and guidelines 

Getting a website

You can find out more about UCC websites and how to get a site for your UCC organisational unit or initiative on our dedicated Digital Estate for Communications Group SharePoint site (accessible to UCC staff and students). 

Available resources

For more information on available resourse please visit our dedicated Digital Estate for Communications Group SharePoint site (available to UCC staff and students).

Accessing Digital Signage

If you're looking to publicise your messages on the university's digital signage platforms please visit (UCC staff and students only)

Feedback Form

We are always happy to get feedback regarding all aspects of the digital estate for communications. If you have a suggestion for an improvement or find something isn't working please let us know via our SharePoint site (UCC staff and students) or by email to  

Digital Estate for Communications Group

Foireann an Eastáit Dhigitigh le haghaidh Cumarsáide
