2004-2005 Developments
2004-2005 Developments
As the project moved into its fourth year in 2004-2005, the focus was on consolidating its earlier achievements as a foundation for further development. For 2004-2005, the main goals of the project were to:
§ Strengthen the active learning partnership between schools, communities and the university
§ Concentrate on enhancing the research strand of the project, to ensure that it contributes to shaping future educational inclusion measures
§ Engage teachers as researchers in their classrooms, setting targets, planning interventions and collecting data to monitor the impact of their actions
§ Disseminate the outcomes of the project locally and nationally, and influence policy and practice on educational inclusion
§ Support the formation and continuation of networks, to promote the professional development of principals and teachers and the greater integration of schools with their local communities
§ Work with principals to identify and enhance the leadership qualities and practices that promote high achievement and educational inclusion in schools.
An increased number of pupils from project schools visited special events and celebrations on UCC’s campus during the year. In May 2005 Mysterious Eye, an intercultural book created by pupils from three post primary Bridging the Gap schools, was launched in UCC. A ‘Kidz Opera’ was performed in the
Honan Squareof the university in June and later in the month over 1,200 pupils attended the annual Bridging the Gap showcase.