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Celebrating Science Week 2019

11 Nov 2019

Celebrating Science Week 2019

Science For Everyone

Cork Science Festival 2019Science Week is upon us yet again and we have a busy week of events planned as part of Cork Science Festival.

On Sunday 10th November we had our popular  Alimentary Adventures inflatable tunnel on site for the wonderful Celebrate Science event where we also hosted four very successful “A Beginners Guide to Fermentation” workshops.  The families who attended all actively participated in making kefir, kombucha and sauerkraut and learned all about the science behind fermented foods.

Throughout the week researchers are sharing their excitement about microbiome science across primary and secondary  schools and  even doing a workshop with pre-schoolers.

During the week Aoife McHugh and Katie Fala are both taking part in the online  I’m a Scientist; get me out of here   competition where school students connect with real scientists about real science;  a competition between scientists, where students are the judges.

And on Friday evening our French scientists are hosting a Native Scientist workshop in association with Enfants Francophones de Cork while John Leech travels to Dublin to participate in Taste Club for the Curious – Fermented Foods Edition.

To celebrate Science Week 2019, Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) have partnered with renowned Irish poet and playwright Stephen James Smith to create “Everything”, a reflection on climate action and science in the spoken word.

“Everything” has been commissioned by SFI as a cultural artefact. It responds to and observes the beauty, ambition, risk, potential and boldness of science in our modern age, and the societal challenges we face. Its commission comes as part of SFI’s remit to engage the public in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM), incorporating the arts to reach new and diverse audiences.

Speaking about the partnership poet Stephen James Smith said: “There’s an increasing appreciation for the role art and STEAM can play in helping people understand science. Climate change is the biggest challenge our generation faces and yet for many people, climate action does not relate to their lives. Everything aims to make science and climate change more personal and relatable for people and I am honoured to have worked with Science Foundation Ireland to create it and I hope people enjoy it.”

The poem is accompanied by a stunning video, produced by Design for Life, which can be viewed and shared online at:

Host Institution

Host Logos - UCC and Teagasc

Partner Institutions

APC Microbiome Ireland

Biosciences Building, University College Cork, Ireland,
