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Science Week Event: Plants for the Future

BEES/ERI will host a special event for Science Week showcasing the importance of plants.

This exhibition at the UCC School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences will demonstrate how plant science can us help address important issues, such as biodiversity loss, food insecurity, climate change, pesticide use and pollution.

The interactive displays will demonstrate how nature-based solutions, breeding technologies and circular economy approaches can help us solve these issues. In addition, information will be provided about UCC’s Biodiversity Action Plan and the Greenshoots Programme.

The event runs from 4pm until 6pm on Tuesday 12th November 2024. The event is open to everyone. No need to register in advance and admission is free. The event takes place in the Cooperage Building (located at the end of the North Mall), University College Cork. 

You can get further details from Prof. Astrid Wingler;