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Head of College Prize for Exceptional Achievement (Medal)

At a glance

  • Value: Medal
  • You must be registered for or recently graduated from any programmes offered by the College  of Business and Law to be eligible for this award
  • Questions about this scholarship can be directed to


An award to be offered at the discretion of the Head of College to recognise truly exceptional and outstanding achievement by a Student (or Students) registered for or recently graduated from any programmes offered by the College. Recognition may cover academic or non-academic activity.  The Head of College will consult with the Deans of the Schools in identifying potential recipients of the prize but may also include other students/recent graduates that the Head of College deems appropriate for consideration. 

There is no direct application process for this prize.


The Head of College will make a discretionary judgement on which student/recent graduate she/he feels demonstrates the most exception and outstanding achievement of those deemed appropriate for consideration. This will be considered in the context of the strategic objectives of the College in fostering exception academic and/or exceptional contribution to society   In this context the Head of College will consult with the Deans but the final decisions is at the discretion of the Head of College. Noting that the Head of College reserves the right to not offer the award in any year.

Scholarships and Prizes

Scoláireachtaí agus duaiseanna
