Invention Disclosures
What is an invention disclosure?
An Invention Disclosure (ID) is a written description of your invention or development that is provided to UCC Innovation. The ID should list all collaborating sources of support and include all the information necessary to begin pursuing protection, marketing and commercialisation activities.
This document will be treated as “Confidential to University College Cork (UCC)” based on the Invention Disclosure. UCC Innovation may generate a non-confidential description of your invention in order to assist in marketing the technology. Once potential partners have been identified and confidentiality agreements have been signed, more detailed exchanges of information can be made.
Why should I submit an invention disclosure?
When you disclose your invention to UCC Innovation it starts a process that could lead to the commercialisation of your technology. This may involve beginning the legal protection process and working to identify outside development partners. Under UCC policy, and if government funds were used for your research, you are expected to file a prompt disclosure which may need to be reported to the sponsoring agency. Similar requirements will most likely exist for other projects sponsored by industry or non-commercial entities such as charities and foundations.
How do I know if my discovery is an invention?
You are required to submit an Invention Disclosure for all inventions and developments that may solve a significant problem and/or have significant commercial value. If you are in doubt, contact UCC Innovation to discuss the invention and strategies for commercialisation. UCC Innovation run an Office Hours service to facilitate this.
When should I complete an invention disclosure?
You should complete an Invention Disclosure whenever you feel you have discovered something unique with possible commercial value. This should be done well before presenting the discovery through publications, poster sessions, conferences, press releases, or other communications. Once publicly disclosed (i.e. published or presented in some form), an invention may have lost the opportunity for patent protection. Be sure to inform UCC Innovation of any imminent or prior presentation, lecture, poster, abstract, website description, research proposal, dissertation/master’s thesis, publication, or other public presentation including the invention.
Should I disclose research tools?
Yes, if your new tools would benefit other researchers and you are interested in providing them to those researchers and other third parties. Typically, research tools are materials such as antibodies, vectors, plasmids, cell lines, mice, and other materials used as “tools” in the research process. Most research tools do not necessarily need to be protected by patents in order to be licensed to commercial third parties and/or generate revenue for your laboratory. If you have research tools that you believe to be valuable or wish to provide to others (including research collaborators), UCC Innovation will work with you to develop the appropriate protection, licensing, and distribution strategy.
How do I submit an invention disclosure?
You can access the disclosure form by clicking on the link below. Invention Disclosures are assigned to a UCC Innovation Commercialisation Case Manager. If you have any questions, call UCC Innovation at (021) 420 5880 or email us at