Assessment of an Invention Disclosure
How does UCC assess invention disclosures?
Commercialisation Case Managers at UCC Innovation examine each invention disclosure to review the novelty of the invention, protectability and marketability of potential products or services, relationship to related intellectual property, size and growth potential of the relevant market, amount of time and money required for further development, pre-existing rights associated with the intellectual property (IP), and potential competition from other products/technologies. This assessment may also include consideration of whether the intellectual property can be the basis for a new business spin-out.
If the inventors believe that all IP should be licensed non-exclusively to all potential users for the public good, will UCC honour our request?
UCC Innovation will work with you to develop the appropriate commercialisation strategy for the invention. Some technologies lend themselves to non-exclusive licensing (licensing to multiple third parties), while others will only reach the commercial marketplace, and therefore the public, if they are licensed on an exclusive basis. We will try to accommodate inventors’ commercialisation wishes. However, the final decision will be determined by our assessment of which strategy will produce the most benefits for the general public, consistent with governmental or institutional policies and other obligations.
How do we decide whether to commercialize with a traditional or an “open source” license for software?
Generally, UCC Innovation supports UCC software developers who choose to essentially give their programs away through open-source mechanisms, provided that:
- UCC retains the right to distribute the program freely,
- open sourcing is consistent with obligations to sponsors, and
- each developer’s unit supports the decision.
Developers should seek authorization from the appropriate Head of School or Research Centre linked to the research.
Is an invention ever assigned to an inventor?
If UCC Innovation decides not to pursue patent protection and/or chooses not to actively market the invention, then UCC may transfer ownership to the inventor(s). Reassignment of inventions funded from government sources may require the government’s prior approval. You will find further information on this topic in the Intellectual Property Policy.