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Fossil Freaks Art Workshops

The multidisciplinary workshop series - FOSSIL FREAKS - was designed and delivered by artists Susie Walsh and Leah Murphy in collaboration with palaeontologists from Ireland’s Fossil Heritage at the School of Biological Earth and Environmental Sciences (BEES) UCC.

A collection of artworks were created in these workshops by Sixth Class students from St. Mary’s on the Hill National School and Fourth Class at Cork Educate Together National School, inspired by strange and unusual fossils from around the world integrating the science of palaeontology and art.

The artists introduced the idea of the palaeo-artist who uses a combination of fossil evidence, evolution and imagination to reconstruct prehistory. The children were shown images of enigmatic fossils as a starting point and through a series of interactive and creative workshops using a range of art materials and techniques, they imagined and brought to life these mysterious creatures that existed more than 500 million years ago.

"Through our Art in Schools Projects, our aim as artists is to introduce the children taking part to the idea of a creative line of inquiry. How to research and develop an idea is central to the practice of art- but also in science and other creative disciplines." - Susan Walsh and Leah Murphy


To explore more projects from Susie and Leah visit

What do teachers say about the fossil art workshops?


What do artists say about the fossil art workshops?


Fossil Art Exhibit 2022

University College Cork’s education programme Ireland’s Fossil Heritage ran a new children’s art exhibition in the Glucksman Gallery from June 9th - 19th 2022. The exhibition celebrated the artwork of Irish schoolchildren – and fossils - in two exciting new collections, FOSSIL FREAKS and IRISH FOSSILS ALIVE.


Ireland's Fossil Heritage

School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University College Cork, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork, T23 TK30,
