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Mapping offshore windfarm cable routes

Site selection for offshore windfarms requires a multifactorial approach with many elements to consider.  Not all areas offshore are suitable for windfarms and, moreover, not all routes from windfarms to land are suitable for the submarine cables needed to transfer the energy produced offshore back to the onshore grid. To protect against damage, these cables must be buried in the seabed, often a highly dynamic environment with migrating bedforms presenting the risks to cables. This project proposes to utilise high-end geospatial analyses to identify the optimal route selection for offshore cables, supporting our understanding of the geomorphology and potential geohazards associated with these environments. This research will focus on proposals in the south and west coasts of Ireland, as these areas are under the most intense development for offshore windfarms. The project emphasises the importance of careful site selection to mitigate against costly damage to the vital cables that will transport the energy produced offshore. As Ireland as a nation becomes increasingly reliant on this, my hope is that this work will inform not just developers of offshore infrastructure, but also policy makers and members of the public.

Funder: Irish Research Council

Project Team



Earth and Ocean Lab

Department of Geography
