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3D photogrammetry of coral mounds

This project aims to construct 3D models of a number of CWC mounds that display differing characteristics across an environmental gradient. These 3D models will then be analysed to investigate ecological distribution across this gradient and at a mound scale. Methodological approaches towards building 3D models of this habitat will be consistent with those utilised in existing literature et al., (Lim et al.2020, de Oliveira et al., 2022). This project will significantly contribute to current knowledge by systematically analysing full reefs at this spatial resolution to determine the impact of environmental controls on CWCs reef. Further data acquisition will allow for the assessment of temporal variability of the mounds over a number of years.  Ultimately, it will further contribute to more effective methodological approaches to better study and conserve these habitats.

Funder: Irish Research Council

Project Team

  • Ms Corie Boolukos (Postgraduate Researcher)
  • Dr Aaron Lim (PI)
  • Dr Paul Holloway (Co-Supervisor)
  • Dr Laurence Di Clippele (Co-Supervisor)

Earth and Ocean Lab

Department of Geography
