Centre for Research in Vascular Biology
About CRVB
The Centre for Research in Vascular Biology (CRVB) at UCC develops basic molecular and cellular concepts from bench to bedside.
CRVB programme address fundamental questions in vascular stem cell biology, atherosclerosis and vascular remodelling. The emphasis will be on translation of ideas to the clinical cardiology arena in areas of novel diagnostics and therapeutics in the field of stem cells, gene delivery and tissue engineering.
Research Interests:
1.Detection of human smooth muscle progenitor cells in blood and human atherosclerotic plaque.
2.Determinatiing the cardiac repair potential of specific cytoprotective factors in models of myocardilal infarction.
3.Realtime tracking of stem cells in vivo and evaluation of paracrine cardiomyocyte repair effects of progenitor cells.
4.Biology of vacsular progenitor cells and smooth muscle progenitor cells in animal models of atheroaclerosis, graft engineering, remodeling after stent injury and myocardial infarction.
Support‌ed by grant funding from:
Supported by the National Biophotonics Imaging Platform through HEA PRTLI Cycle 4: