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HR Excellence in Research

HR Excellence in Research and the Charter Code for Researchers

HR Research excellence logoThe aim of the Charter and Code for Researchers is to ensure that the nature of the relationship between researchers and employers is conducive to successful research performance and to the career development of researchers.   This is an evolving process that enables HR to place the principles of the European Charter and Code at the core of its policies for research staff.  It’s a voluntary process that many European organisations have committed to wholeheartedly.  It is not a requirement for participation in EU funded programmes yet - but when you consider that every UCC Principal Investigator signs up to its principles when a Horizon Europe grant is awarded then you can understand how important this award is to the ERA and how seriously the European Commission considers it.  

So now CARDEA will leverage our experience and scale up our activities and ideas from the national and organisational level to the European level.  We will work to connect in with the Pact for Research under Action 17 at the national level and by doing so will foster future dialogue by continuing to share our HR Excellence in Research best practice and facilitating collaboration and coordination on common research and innovation objectives. 

Our project creates a synergy between the European Research Area and the European Education Area through adult learning, skills and qualifications and by working to provide information on skills needs across countries and sectors within the area of Research Manager Roles.    

Find out more about HR Excellence in Research.

