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Scholarship available for prestigious virtual leadership course at Koc University

23 Jun 2022
Members of the UNIC Student Board at the opening of the CityLAbs Festival in Oulu, 15th June 2022. Photo by Sanna Krook.

Koc University in Istanbul, a member of UNIC, is offering a place free of charge for a UCC student at the Virtual Leadership Summer programme this July. Participating students will receive a Global Learning Certificate: Leadership, Sustainability and Social Innovation in 21st Century.

Applications are open until June 29th. Please follow the applications process and indicate that you would like to avail of the free place for UCC:

Koc University will select the scholarship holders from the UNIC universities, including UCC.

For more information, please reach out to

Information about the programme

Koc University offers a special program with top-notch academic quality this summer composed of two spectacular virtual modules focusing on leadership literature and 21st century leadership soft-skills. Participants are free to join the two modules as a package for an intensive learning experience, or, choose just one of them according to their needs and focus of interest. Both modules are open to undergraduate and graduate students, as well as young professionals.

Module 1: Next Generation Leadership, July 18 - August 4 (6 ECTS / 3 KU Credits)

This module is a 3-weeks virtual summer course, designed to introduce the main approaches to leadership in the context of how they inform current best practices through case-studies, group exercises, simulations, and application of leadership assessment tools.

Module 2: Global Learning Certificate: Leadership, Sustainability and Social Innovation in 21st Century, July 18 - July 28

This module is a 10-day online certification program is shaped around personal well-being, decision making, social innovation, sustainability, future of work and conscious leadership soft-skills development through interactive workshops and group activities.

For more information about the programme and to apply, visit

UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
