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Port Cities: Arts, Culture and Creativity in Docklands Regeneration

6 Jun 2023
Happening On 07/06/2023

The third in Cork CityLabs ‘Future of Port’ Seminar Series, we connect community, city and university colleagues across the UNIC European University Alliance and Port University League. This series brings thought leaders together for conversations that help inspire us to rethink and redesign the future of our urban centers – in a citizen centered, diverse and ecological manner.

This year we are delighted to bring speakers from leading cases Espacio Open in Bilbao; and the European Bauhaus Lighthouse project Bauhaus of the Seas Sails in Malmo, together with a local Cork perspective to discover pioneering examples of arts, culture and creativity driving renewal and renaissance of docklands areas, as sites replete with the cultural and industrial heritage of our cities.

About the Contributors

The Bauhaus of the seas, as «marhaus» (literally «the sea as our home») or «baumar» («the sea as a space for creation and impact entrepreneurship»), aims to promote renewed ethical and aesthetic regenerative development from a widely diverse range of dimensions of our continued relationship with the sea. Conceived as a journey with Portugal as a starting point, the Bauhaus of the seas will generate a design movement that will extend to all coastal and maritime regions in Europe. Its anchors are ’recognising the environment’, reconciling with the sea’, ‘reconnecting communities’ and ‘renewing practices’.

Espacio Open [Open Space] is a cultural centre and ecosystem of creative and social projects with a positive social impact located since 2009 in the Old Bilbao Biscuit Factory (Artiach Factory) in the La Ribera de Deusto / Zorrotzaurre neighborhood, Bilbao. Involving more than 110,000 annual visitors, 14 workers and 2,000 sq.m. of facilities, they work at the intersection between contemporary culture, technology and social issues. Spaces house the Fab Lab Bilbao digital creation and manufacturing center as well as programs such as the Maker Faire Bilbao Festival and creation residencies for artists and designers. Their monthly Vintage Bilbao event, an evolution of the Open Your Ganbara circular economy market, has run since 2009.

Free registration: Port Cities – Arts, Culture & Creativity in Dockland Regeneration Tickets, Wed 7 Jun 2023 at 09:30 | Eventbrite


UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
