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Online Course: International Co-teaching - Integrating Virtual Exchange into the University Classroom

1 Dec 2022

UCC staff are invited to participate in an online course on 'International Co-teaching: Integrating Virtual Exchange into the University Classroom'. The course is aimed at university educators (e.g. lecturers, language teachers). It will be delivered in four 1.5 hour meetings in January 2023. See full details and free registration: here.

Aarhus University, Denmark, and Ruhr University Bochum offer this online course, which will familiarise participants with Virtual Exchange as a pedagogical activity for engaging students in authentic intercultural collaborative projects with international partners. 

The course will focus on:

  • Transfer of the concept of Virtual Exchange into your disciplinary teaching practice
  • Integration into your course plans
  • Construction of tasks
  • Support and mentoring of your students during a Virtual Exchange

You will meet teachers from different universities all over Europe in this course.


Session 1: What is Virtual Exchange and integration in the syllabus

Session 2: Task design - getting your students to work together

Session 3: Mentoring and support of students

Session 4: Potential partnerships, reflection 


See the course flyer here: International Co-teaching.

Register for free here: Registration.

UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
