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Cork Harbour Festival: International event on the Future of Port Cities

11 May 2021
Irish naval ship LE Ethine docked in Cork City, Ireland, to help fight Covid-19 in the City. June 2020. Photo by Jamie O’Sullivan

City-University partners across our UNIC European University Alliance believe ports and port cities have a particularly unique role to play in helping us to rethink and redesign the future of our urban centers - in a citizen centered, diverse and ecological manner.

Join us for a roundtable discussion chaired by Irish Times Journalist Lorna Siggins, bringing thought leaders into conversation around this ambition as part of the Cork Harbour Festival 2021 programme.

UNIC CityLabs Event: 'The Future of Port Cities: Post-Pandemic Recovery, Resilience & Renaissance'

When: Thursday 10th June (14:00 Cork / 15:00 CET)

Event Details and Link to Register Here

The event will open with a cultural performance from UCC student and Harpist Síofra Thornton. We welcome public audiences, as well as colleagues, policy makers and academics from across the European Cities and Universities involved in UNIC and the Port City Universities League representing 14 countries internationally.

The event will be hosted on Zoom. Registered participants will receive a link to join the live event via in advance of the event. The link will also be made available on the Cork Harbour Festival website as part of the wider programme.

Want to know more about UNIC?

The UNIC European University is an alliance of eight universities educating through teaching, research and community engagement, towards inclusive societies. Read this post on 'What makes UNIC so Unique'  or find out more about how UNIC CityLabs will foster collaboration to Think Local , Act Global

For more on this story contact:

Civic and Community Engagment at University College Cork 

UNIC European University of Cities in Post-Industrial Transition, UCC office
