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Pregnancy loss: A disturbing silence and theological wilderness

Pregnancy loss is a deeply challenging spiritual and theological reality for bereaved parents. Faith communities are challenged to engage at a deeper level with this often silent wilderness experience with greater liturgical and pastoral provision and robust reflection.

Daniel Nuzum, Sarah Meaney, Keelin O'Donoghue
Journal Name
Modern Believing
Journal Article
Impact, Spirituality, Pregnancy loss
The spiritual and professional impact of stillbirth
Full Citation
Nuzum D, Meaney S, O'Donoghue K. Pregnancy loss: A disturbing silence and theological wilderness. Modern Believing. 2019;60(2):133-145.
Link to Publication


This is a reflective article which draws on a research study about the spiritual impact of stillbirth on bereaved parents. The article draws together the voices of bereaved parents in an area where pregnancy loss is not spoken of very much in society and in faith communities. This article seeks to understand some of the big questions associated with stillbirth and how we try to make sense of them from a spiritual or faith perspective. The article makes recommendations about how faith communities can and should integrate this area of bereavement more into pastoral practice and the services they offer to bereaved families as well as helping to give a voice where many feel there is silence.

Pregnancy Loss Research Group

Pregnancy Loss Research Group, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University College Cork, Fifth Floor, Cork University Maternity Hospital, Wilton, Cork, T12 YE02, Ireland,
