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OVPLT News & Events

The Autumn edition of the OVPLT eNewsletter is here now.

11 Nov 2020
Autumn eNewsletter 2020

Over the summer months, the Skills Centre, Adult Continuing Education and Exam Appeals Office have gone fully online.

The Language Centre ran its summer courses online, the Centre for Digital Education has maintained a high level of support for online teaching and the Canvas trainings which ran over the summer months are now available on the CDE website. The CDE and CIRTL also launched Teach Digi, a series of digital education training supports for UCC staff.


We hope you enjoy reading the eNewsletter which shares many good news stories on the achievements, successes, new developments and projects which the members of the OVPLT have been involved with over the summer months.

OVPLT eNewsletter Autumn 2020

Office of the VP for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
