DPR News
Involving People with Intellectual Disabilities in Research
The Deputy President and Registrar Prof. Stephen Byrne gave the welcome address at a seminar co-organised by students from the id+ Project’s Certificate in Disability-Inclusive Practice and the PPI Ignite Network @UCC on 18th November 2022.
The title of the seminar was “About Us… How can we achieve greater, meaningful involvement of people with intellectual disabilities in research?” The keynote speaker was Prof. Jan Walmsley, Visiting Chair in the History of Learning Disabilities at the UK’s Open University.
Other speakers included:
- Mary McCarron, Centre for Ageing and Disability, Trinity College Dublin
- Lucia O’Sullivan (COPE Foundation) and Dr Anne-Marie Martin (UCC School of Nursing & Midwifery)
- Brian Donohue, Inclusive Research Network
- Margaret Turley, self-advocate and spokesperson for Inclusion Ireland
- Students from the Certificate in Disability-Inclusive Practice: Alan Burke, Brian Cull, Ciara Dineen, William O’Donovan and Kayleigh Twomey.
The seminar concluded with a lively roundtable discussion on the challenges and opportunities of Public & Patient Involvement (PPI) with people with intellectual disabilities.