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Achievement Awards 24

School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC Achievement Awards 2024

The School of Nursing and Midwifery at University College Cork strives to promote excellence in the student experience that emphasises personal, professional and academic development for life. The school recognises the many exceptional and talented students/staff that are engaged in various activities within and outside the School. In the academic year 2023-2024 the students/staff that received the School of Nursing and Midwifery, UCC awards included:

Undergraduate Student of the Year - Sally Hennessy

Postgraduate Student of the Year - Louise Murphy

Student Leader of the Year - Hannah Walsh

Award for Outstanding Contribution to Student Life - Izabella Dullin

Award for Recognition in Sport - Siobhan O’Brien

Undergraduate Research Award went to Adrian O’Dwyer

Postgraduate Research Award went to Leona Guinan

Award for Promoting Equality & Diversity - NU4116 Module Participants led by Ryan Goulding

Community Engagement/Activist Award - Rachel Kelso

Recognition in the Arts and Entertainment was awarded to Orlaith Ní Chróinín

Award for Preceptor of the Year - Aoife O'Donovan, St Ann's Ward, Marymount

Award for Best Clinical and Quality Environment - 2A TRAUMA WARD in the CUH

Keady Clifford Excellence in Children's Nursing Award - Kieran Dalton

Patricia J. Power Excellence in Clinical Practice Award - Danielle Conneely

The very special inaugural Dr. Moira O'Donovan Award for Excellence in Mental Health Nursing was awarded to Alice Taylor

Well done to all the 2024 award winners and photos can be found HERE

School of Nursing and Midwifery

Scoil an Altranais agus an Chnáimhseachais

Brookfield Health Sciences Complex College Road Cork, Ireland , T12 AK54
