Original url at: http://secretary.ucc.ie/statutes/HTML/Statute170.html

Statute 170.

Irish Universities Act, 1908

University College, Cork

We, the Governing Body of University College, Cork, under and by virtue of the powers in that behalf conferred on us by the said Act, Do by this present instrument under the Seal of University College, Cork, make the Statute contained in the Schedule hereof for the general government of the said College.

Given under the Common Seal of University College, Cork, this twenty-first day of June, 1994.

Present when the Common Seal of University College, Cork, was affixed:

M. P. MORTELL, President.
M. F. MULCAHY, Governor.
M. F. KELLEHER, Secretary.

Statute 170.


Statutes I to 169 of University College, Cork shall be read and construed with the additions. modifications and amendments hereinafter set forth.

Election by the Graduates

Statute 61., Chapter III., is hereby amended as follows:

  1. by the replacement of section 3 by the following:

    "3. To be eligible for election a candidate must be a Graduate, and he/she must be nominated by a Nomination Paper signed by two Graduates, which shall have been received by the Registrar at least eight weeks before the date of the Election Meeting."

  2. by the replacement of section 13 by the following:

    "13. The Declaration of Identity shall be in the following form:

    Declaration of Identity

    I hereby declare that I am the Graduate of the National University of Ireland and Member of University College, Cork, for whom the Voting Paper and the envelope in which it was enclosed (both of which I now produce) were intended.

    Voter's Name as in
    Register of Graduates...........................................

    University Degree(s) and
    Year(s) Conferred.................................................

    Voter's Signature............................................

    The above-named, who is personally known to me, has produced the Voting Paper and envelope above referred to and has signed the above Declaration in my presence.

    Witness's Signature........................................


    A copy of section 14 of this Chapter shall be given on the back of the Form of Declaration of Identity."

  3. by the replacement of section 14 by the following:

    "l4. The Declaration of Identity shall be signed by the Voter in the presence of a Witness. The Witness shall attest that the Declaration of Identity has been signed by the Voter in his/her presence by signing his/her name at the foot thereof, and adding his/her address."


  1. This Statute shall be construed with and as part of Statutes 1 to 169 of University College, Cork and may be cited as Statute 170 of University College, Cork or Stat. 170 of Univ. Coll. Cork.
  2. This Statute will come into operation on the twenty-first day of June, 1994.

Present when the Common Seal of University College, Cork, was affixed.

M. P. MORTELL, President.
M. F. MULCAHY, Governor.
M. F. KELLEHER, Secretary.