Original url at: http://secretary.ucc.ie/statutes/HTML/Statute140.html
Statute CXL.
Irish Universities Act, 1908
University College, Cork
We, the Governing Body of University College, Cork, under
and by virtue of the powers in that behalf conferred on us by
the said Act, Do by this present instrument under the Seal
of University College, Cork, make the Statute contained in
the Schedule hereof for the general government of the said
Given under the Common Seal of University College, Cork, this twenty-second day of April, 1986.
Present when the Common Seal of University College, Cork,
was affixed:
- (Signed)
- TADHG Ó CIARDHA, President.
- SHAWN DOONAN, Governor.
- M. F. KELLEHER, Secretary.
Statute CXL.
Statutes I. to CXXXIX. of University College, Cork shall be read
and construed with the additions, modifications and amendments
hereinafter set forth.
Headship of Certain Departments
- The provisions of this Chapter shall henceforth apply to
Departments in which there is more than one full-time Professorship
(excluding Associate Professorships).
- The Governing Body shall appoint one of the full-time
Professors in each Department referred to in section 1 of this Chapter
as Head of the Department and he shall hold this appointment for
such period or periods as the Governing Body may decide or until
the appointment shall have been terminated by the Governing Body.
- A Professor in a Department referred to in section 1 of this
Chapter while not holding any appointment as Head of the Department, shall carry out his duties under the general direction of the
Head of the Department appointed in accordance with section 2 of
this Chapter.
Bord na Gaeilge
- Statute XCV., Chapter I., section 4(a) is hereby replaced by
the following:
"4(a) The President, the Registrar, the Professor of Modern Irish
Language and the Professor of Modern Irish Literature".
- Statute XCV., Chapter I., section 5, is hereby replaced by
the following:
"5. The term of office of the elected members of An Bord shall be
three years provided that the term of office of those who are members
as on 1 January, 1986, shall end on the last day of February, 1989".
Professorships and Lectureships in certain Dental subjects
With the consent of the present holders, it shall be an additional
duty of each of the holders of Professorships or Lectureships, which
involve the duty to carry out professional duties in the hospital associated with the College for the purposes of Dental Education, to
produce annually evidence of being insured against claims arising
from negligence or malpractice.
Lectureship in Biochemistry No. 5
- There shall be established in the College, in the event of its
institution by the National University of Ireland, a Lectureship in
Biochemistry No. 5.
- The said Lectureship shall be a part-time non-pensionable
office. The Governing Body, having determined the quantum of
duties to be attached to the Lectureship shall also determine the
level of stipend annually to be attached to the office, provided that
the stipend shall not exceed twenty per cent. of the maximum stipend
of a full-time Lectureship as set forth in Statute CXXII., Chapter I.,
section 7(a), as subsequently amended. Should the Governing
Body in the course of its annual determination of the quantum of
duties attaching to this Lectureship, decide that this quantum is
full-time, the stipend of the Lectureship shall then be as set forth in
Statute CXXXII., Chapter 1., section 7(a) as subsequently amended.
- The duties of the Lecturer shall be to lecture in Biochemistry
under the direction or the Professor of Biochemistry for all degrees,
diplomas and certificates of the University and for all diplomas and
certificates of the College. He shall, in addition, examine in Biochemistry for the College and, if required by the Senate to do so, for
the University. He shall, in addition, discharge such other duties
appropriate to the office as shall be assigned to him by the said
Professor of Biochemistry.
- The holder of the Lectureship hereby established shall be the
present holder of the Lectureship in Biochemistry No. 4, appointed
in accordance with the terms of Statute CXXV., Chapter II., as
amended by Statute CXXV., Chapter VI., said Lectureship having
the designation 12 referred to in Statute CXXX., Chapter VI. On
an appointment being made to the Lectureship hereby established,
the Lectureship in Biochemistry No. 4 shall be vacated.
Lectureship in Chemistry No. 5
- There shall be established in the College, in the event of its
institution by the National University of Ireland, a Lectureship in
Chemistry No. 5.
- The said Lectureship shall be a full-time office within the
meaning of the Statutes of the College and of the University. The
stipend attaching to the Lectureship shall be the same as that
provided in Statute CXXXII., Chapter I., section 7(a), as subsequently amended.
- The duties of the Lecturer shall be to lecture in Chemistry,
including Analytical Chemistry, under the direction of the Head of
the Department of Chemistry for all degrees, diplomas and certificates of the University and for all diplomas and certificates of the
College. He shall also examine in Chemistry, including Analytical
Chemistry, for the College and, if required by the Senate to do so,
for the University. He shall, in addition, discharge such other duties
appropriate to the office as shall be assigned to him by the said Head
of the Department of Chemistry. The said Lectureship shall be a
pensionable office to which the provisions of Statute LXXIX., as
amended, and the Pension Scheme annexed thereto, as amended,
shall apply.
The Lectureships hereby established shall be tenable for the same term
and upon the same conditions and the holders thereof shall be subject
to the same duties and obligations as if the said Lectureships had been
included in Statutes I. to CXXXIX. of University College, Cork.
- This Statute shall be construed with and as part of Statutes I.
to CXXXIX. of University College, Cork and may be cited as
Statute CXL. of University College, Cork or Stat. CXL. of Univ.
Coll. Cork.
- This Statute shall come into operation on the twenty-second
day of April, 1986.
Present when the Common Seal of University College, Cork,
was affixed.
- (Signed)
- TADHG Ó CIARDHA, President.
- SHAWN DOONAN, Governor.
- M. F. KELLEHER, Secretary.