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ISS21 Research Cluster: Genders, Sexualities and Families, in collaboration with MA Women’s Studies - Tea, meet and greet
Calling postgraduate students
You are invited to a gathering of PG peers studying at the intersections of genders, sexualities and families or in related areas.
Join us for a warm welcome and to:
- Network and engage with peers with similar research interests
- Share ideas on how our community can support each other
- Learn about the Genders, Sexualities and Families research cluster and its events
- Find out more about ISS21 (Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century)
The Compass Room, School of Applied Social Studies, William Thompson House, Donovan’s Road.
1:00pm-2:00pm on Thursday 10th of October 2024.
Tea and coffee will be provided. Please feel free to bring your lunch.
Dr Gema Kloppe-Santamaría, Cluster Co-Convenor, Dr Fíachra O'Suilleabháin, Cluster Co-Convenor, Dr Patricia Kennedy, Cluster Member, Prof Maggie O’Neill, Director of ISS21, Dr Evelien Geerts, EG MAWS Director.
Learn more about the Genders, Sexualities and Families Cluster and ISS21 https://www.ucc.ie/en/iss21/clusters/family/ https://www.ucc.ie/en/iss21/
For more on this story contact:
For more details please contact ashlingosullivan@ucc.ie