Crystal Addey (Convenor), Department of Classics
Marco Amici - Department of Italian
Katharina Becker, Department of Archaeology
Sarah Bezan - School of English and Digital Humanities
Hanna Bingel Jones, Department of German
Jenny Butler (Convenor), Study of Religions Department
Yairen Jerez Columbié, Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies
Claire Connolly, Department of English
Eugene Costello, School of the Human Environment
James Cuffe, Department of Sociology and Criminology
Laurence Davis (Convenor), Department of Government and Politics
Ben Gearey, Department of Archaeology
Jools Gilson, Department of Theatre
Gert Hofmann, Department of German
Kian Mintz-Woo, Department of Philosophy
Kevin Murray - Department of Early and Medieval Irish
Aibhe Ni Ghearbhuigh, Department of Modern Irish
Anais Nony, Department of French
Maureen O'Connor (Convenor), Department of English
Patrick O'Donovan, Department of French
Roisin O'Gorman, Department of Theatre
Jesse Peterson, School of Human Environment (Department of Geography)
Fionn Rogan, Energy Policy and Modelling Group, ERI
Silvia Ross, Department of Italian
Paolo Saporito (Convenor of Lunchtime Seminar Series), Department of Film and Screen Media
James Smith, School of English and the Digital Humanities
Oisin Wall, Radical Humanities Laboratory and School of History
Matt York - Department of Government and Politics
CaitrÃona Ni Dhuill - Recent German Literature, University of Salzburg